PSA: From now thru Nov it’s オオスズメバチ “murder hornet” season in Japan, so if you’re on the trail, wear white, move quietly, and avoid any scents. Check out this previous blog post for some more detail. 🐝🥾
Welcome to blog Cogley. I've been sticking out like a sore thumb in Japan since 1987! 日本語もOK ☞ I'm founder and Co-RD at ☜ I ❤️ family life, Maru the Shiba, blogging, coding, hiking.
PSA: From now thru Nov it’s オオスズメバチ “murder hornet” season in Japan, so if you’re on the trail, wear white, move quietly, and avoid any scents. Check out this previous blog post for some more detail. 🐝🥾