Recent Replies
∞ A few!
∞ yeah, lean into it, srsly
∞ I'm loving the course materials. When I learned js, it was with dusty old books many years ago. I'm enjoying refreshing & cementing my knowledge with a modern approach. The flashcards work great, too!
∞ it's a reaction to being called America's grandpa or whatever it was at the Olympics?! lol
∞ JetBrains Mono! But I'm using Monaspace daily
∞ A recent discovery was, these 2.4 devices connect more reliably if the radio is set to a fixed channel and isn’t trying anything fancy.
∞ I print to PDF and share. Nobody probably reads it! But at least they have something that doesn’t take up my time. 😅
∞ That sweet, sweet pumicebröt. 😅
∞ PRs can be auto pulled into release notes (at least on GitHub) so a little effort up front makes those documentation chores go quicker.
∞ Congrats, well deserved, and may there be many more accolades! 🎉🎉
@AlexKucera just checked out pinegrow a bit - a very good tool!
@AlexKucera haha, TIL about Pinegrow, yet another thing I need to look at!
@joejoetom the article in the Japan Times said it started as just a passion project, the director hoping his friends would watch. But it struck some chord with people and got popular.
∞ cool, my 9pm then!
@starrwulfe duly followed, I think