A “comedy” duo called Fujisaki Market, probes someone’s gender and sexuality on a show “Kansai Joho Net Ten”, and Yomiuri Telecasting has apologized. Insensitive, cruel and not even remotely funny. 深く反省しろ。
Welcome to blog Cogley. I've been sticking out like a sore thumb in Japan since 1987! 日本語もOK ☞ I'm founder and Co-RD at eSolia.com ☜ I ❤️ family life, Maru the Shiba, blogging, coding, hiking.
A “comedy” duo called Fujisaki Market, probes someone’s gender and sexuality on a show “Kansai Joho Net Ten”, and Yomiuri Telecasting has apologized. Insensitive, cruel and not even remotely funny. 深く反省しろ。