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Hello! from Rick Cogley
Apple's Image Playground (that I just got access to) would not make a fire-breathing Shiba for me, but it did set a Shiba's tail on fire. 😜
Renewed my Japan drivers license at the Futamatagawa center. A pretty efficient process for the most part, though I feel a little traumatized after having watched their safety video which contained several actual scenes of cars hitting bicycles! Be safe out there, people. 🚙
A few years back I took IDEO's "Insights for Innovation" 5-week course, and just reviewed the assignment submissions. I did manage to implement what I wanted to, at eSolia, and think this course was worth it. 😄
TeamLab Planets in Toyosu was Fantastic
Visited TeamLab Planets in Toyosu, and the whole fam loved it. It's an interactive art and multimedia installation that you walk through and experience. Hanging orchids move away from you as you move in their space; mirrors and lights make it feel like you're in space; video fish swim near you as you wade in water (it's programmed and apparently random, not just running on a loop); large translucent rubber balls react to you as you push your way through them. Some of the areas had app interactivity, but, the app gave warnings about poor connectivity. Still, a really great and fun way to spend an afternoon! Walked 15 min to LalaPort after.
Interestingly heard via two completely separate conversations, D2's husband and her best friend both are programming in python now in their careers; the former for data science, the latter for the back end of web sites. All that python setup nonsense gives me a rash, though. 🐍